Posts in Tango performance
Close Embraces and Falling Off: All You Need To Know About Volcada

Over the years, tango has evolved and incorporated various styles and techniques, captivating dancers and enthusiasts worldwide.

One of the most intriguing and challenging movements in Argentine tango is the volcada.

Learn everything about volcada.

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The Argentine Tango Merry-Go-Round: All You Need To Know About Calecita

Many tango dancers do this step, but not everyone knows what it really is.

A graceful and dynamic movement that creates a beautiful sense of rotation more commonly known as the Merry-Go-Round step is called Calecita.

Explore and learn more about calecita and why you should add it on your tango repertoire!

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Tango as an Art Form: Most Famous Tango Shows

From the passionate embraces that fill dance floors and stadiums around the world to the lively music that drives it home, tango influences every aspect of life in Argentina and beyond.

Tango’s complexity allows us to be creative and express ourselves differently. Its complexity is indisputable, but its artistry continues to lure people in. Why?

Because tango enables us to understand “art” in ways other dances just cannot.

Watching a couple dance tango is like watching a story unfold on the floor; learning how they’re making something complex look simple and smooth is an art.

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When the Embrace Whispers: A heartwarming novel …about unexpected turns, rediscovering passion, and tango

…it was the photo of the red dress that resonated with her the most. The fluid movement of the dancer, her dress a cascade of crimson, had etched itself into Sarah's heart, evoking feelings she couldn't quite name but always longed to experience.

… He worked hard to provide a comfortable, calm life, she knew that. A life she couldn't have imagined creating on her salary. With him, she was safe. No man is perfect, but she felt he was as close to it as a woman approaching her forties could hope for. Traveling, children, and dreams could wait one more year. Good enough, she thought, looking at the half-cleaned stain on her shoes, the rest will wash away with the rain.

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UNESCO’s Recognition of Tango as a Cultural Heritage

When UNESCO declares one thing as part of a nation’s cultural heritage, it means something.

And UNESCO’s recognition of tango in 2009 was a big deal.

Explore the history of the Argentine tango, its impact on the culture of Argentina, and what UNESCO’s recognition means.

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What Is the Color of Tango?

When it comes to tango, colors are probably one of the last things a dancer or enthusiast thinks about. Of course, it matters when choosing your tango dress or suit. But about the dance itself, it’s rare to wonder if there’s really a color associated with it. Some do, however, and we’re here to wonder with you!

Perhaps, it matters because colors play an important role for humans. As said by ARTECHOUSE in “THE IMPACT OF COLOR,”

colors help us communicate our ideas and emotions and define experiences.

They add richness to our lives, influencing how we feel and think!

And since tango is a dance that thrives in connection, emotion, and communication, colors can also be relevant in tango.

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Tango Song Structure: Your Guide To Dancing Tango

Regardless of how you got involved with tango, it’s inevitable to feel confused about tango music at some point. While some communities dance the tango to non-tango music,

many firmly believe it’s only considered tango dance if it’s danced to tango music.

But what if the tango song makes it feel impossible to move? That’s likely because you don’t understand the tango song structure. Learning about tango structure is vital as a tango dancer. That’s what we’ll be discussing in this article!

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The Three Characters in Tango: Compadrito, Guapo, and Malevo

Let’s dive deeper into tango songs and the stories they tell that reflect upon Argentine culture. As listeners who don’t speak the language that tango songs are written in, it’s unsurprising that we don’t know the repetitive themes and characters. As shared by Nati & Bruno in “Famous tango (song) characters,” the heart of Argentine culture who are often depicted in tango songs are the gauchos, compadres, and compadritos.

the heart of Argentine culture who are often depicted in tango songs are the gauchos, compadres, and compadritos.

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Jorge Luis Borges and Pablo Neruda: The Writers Enchanted by Argentine Tango

Explore the influence of the Argentine tango on two key literary figures: Jorge Luis Borges, who wrote combinations of mystery, fantasy, metafiction, riddles, and many others. And Pablo Neruda, who eventually became one of the literary world’s most beloved poets.

These two great authors have inspired generations with their work and showed the world the power of tango. Tango has been the source of great inspiration for them and will continue to be for generations. Who knows?

Maybe among us, there’s the Jorge Luis Borges or Pablo Neruda of dancing, personifying tango as a timeless and universal art form that transcends boundaries!

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When Shall You Start Learning Argentine Tango

Tango offers a gateway to self-discovery, personal growth, and a vibrant community.

If you're wondering when to embark on this enchanting journey of Tango, the answer is clear: the time to start learning Argentine Tango is now.

If you're seeking a dance that ignites passion, fosters deep connections, and invites you into a world of rich cultural heritage,

Argentine Tango might be the perfect choice for you.

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What Makes Tango a Tango?

If you’re new to the tango scene, it’s natural to wonder what makes tango a tango.

Just like you wonder what makes pop music different from jazz or what separates hip-hop from ballet, it’s perfectly normal to feel curious and confused about tango. In this article, let’s get to know Argentine tango and understand what makes it a tango.

Let’s start with tango as a dance. For some,

identifying tango as a dance is easier and more possible than music.

When an enthusiast finds a couple in a close embrace on the dancefloor, it’s probably tango. When they create cat-like movements and display a unique balance of sensual, athletic, and artful, it’s definitely tango!

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Can One Divorce Over Tango? AKA My Wife Doesn’t Want To Dance With Me

Many people say that before you get married, you should try tango.

It makes sense because many characteristics in the dance are similar to those in real-life relationships.

Two people have individual responsibilities and styles but become one when they dance. Like in a marriage, they must be willing to compromise and find a balance.

But sadly, while the tango can bring couples together, it’s also been known to tear them apart.

If you’re unfortunately one of these couples, you may wonder, can you divorce over tango?

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Is Tango a Dance, Music, or Both?

Since the Argentine tango has gone through so much change since its conception, more questions have arisen about tango dance and tango music. And one famous question is… Is tango a dance, music, or both?

Perhaps the most significant reason for this question is the birth of alternative tango, which has created a divide in the tango community. Questions like, “Is it still tango if the music isn’t tango?” lead to much debate. But if we figure out whether tango is a dance, music, or both, we may find an answer to all our tango questions.

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Whenever there’s a chance to tango, dancers can’t help but feel giddy until it’s really time to hit the dance floor.

You wash up, rummage through your closet, dress yourself up, and head out with a huge smile— but when you arrive at the venue, you find other dancers, specifically men, looking like they just got out of bed.

The dress code in tango has been an issue of debate for years.

Many dancers feel that their appearances are as important as their dance moves and that their dress code should match the music.

Women in tango, in particular, often dress to the nines.

And many find it discouraging when others arrive without a care for how they look, smell, and feel.

It’s a common scenario in the tango community, with people either looking like they stepped out of a magazine or dressing a little too casually. If you’re the type who takes appearances seriously, especially in tango, let’s answer this question: Are you too judgmental?

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Dancing To Voice: Evolution of Tango Singers

Some dancers flatly refuse to dance to tango cantandos. Of course this depends on the way a singer sings.

Singing which is integrated into the music will meet less opposition than too demonstrative singing, which only uses music as a background. Too demonstrative singing can be fun for a special occasion, but it soon might irritate the dancers. Whatever you do as a DJ, it is always wise to alternate (series of) instrumental tangos with (series of) sung tangos.”

Tango, when sung, becomes entirely different from instrumental tango.

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Learning Tango: I Can’t Remember Any New Tango Sequences

How many times have you been repeating the ocho cortado or the media luna until you finally got it? Hundreds? Thousands? Now that you’ve mastered them, why can’t you add more sequences to your tango moves? It’s because you’ve memorized the steps but still don’t understand them. If you understand the dance’s structure and know the basics of leading and related sensations, it’s not very difficult to keep expanding the vocabulary.

Understanding means breaking down the dance and analyzing it. Tango is composed of movements, figures, and connections. By understanding the different elements of tango, you can develop more creativity and enthusiasm.

Tango isn’t just a sequence of steps; it’s an international language you must understand to speak.

Ultimately, repeating a sequence allows you to memorize it. But when you memorize it, there’s always the possibility of forgetting it. So,

if you want tango to last, you should understand it. Learning tango relies so much on emotions.

Sure, you’ll have to start learning it physically, but progress won’t be possible until you feel the dance.

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Men Conflicted: Treating Women as Equal and Leading/Dominating Them

When you watch a tango couple on the dancefloor, the only thing you will most likely notice is how engaged they appear in the dance.

What you may not notice beneath their movements is the underlying conflict that has been ongoing for centuries.

You may think it’s an over-analysis, but it’s actually a real problem.

Let’s dive deep into the issue to determine how equity, discrimination, and domination play out in the tango dance.

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Tango Etiquette: It’s All About Mindfulness

Perhaps one of the things that makes tango so unique is its etiquette.

Yes, the dance sends dancers on the dancefloor with cat-like gracefulness, fluidity, and palpable passion and sensuality. When you find yourself in a milonga, however, you’ll immediately notice the ever-present tango etiquette guiding everyone in the room.

What makes tango etiquette even more interesting is that it’s not something that’s written down anywhere.

It’s an unwritten and unspoken code passed down from dancer to dancer, beginning even before the dancer steps into the milonga.

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Instruments of Tango Orchestra and Layers of Instrumentation in Argentine Tango

If you were to play the tango on any instrument, you would get a sheet of music for a specific tango piece and play it.

However, if you play it as it is written, somehow, it doesn’t have any of the feels of the arrangements you’ve heard recorded or danced to.

Explore tango instruments and the layers of Argentine tango music.

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