20 compelling (and slightly ridiculous) reasons to start learning tango this September

Ladies and gentlemen, hold onto your dance shoes because I'm about to tango my way into your hearts with a whirlwind of reasons why September is the ultimate month to start learning the sultry steps of Argentine Tango.

From the mundane to the magnificent, and the practical to the preposterous, I've got a smorgasbord of motivations that'll have you racing to the nearest dance studio faster than you can say "milonga."

I. Seasonal Sensibilities

1. The Autumn Tango Syndrome

As the leaves start to turn and pumpkin spice lattes make their annual comeback, there's something in the air that screams "Tango time!" Maybe it's the romantic notion of dancing cheek-to-cheek as the world outside gets chillier, or perhaps it's the realization that you need a new indoor hobby before winter hibernation kicks in. Whatever the case,

September's crisp air is practically begging you to trade in your flip-flops for tango shoes.

2. The "New School Year" Nostalgia

Remember when September meant new notebooks, sharp pencils, and the promise of a fresh start? Well, who says adults can't recapture that back-to-school excitement?

Instead of algebra and history, you'll be learning ochos and ganchos.

Plus, unlike your school days, there's no risk of being sent to the principal's office for dancing too close to your partner.

II. Social Superpowers

3. The Ultimate Ice-Breaker for Holiday Parties

Picture this: It's December, you're at the office holiday party, and Karen from accounting is droning on about her cat's latest hairball. Suddenly, you hear the opening notes of "Por Una Cabeza." This is your moment.

You dramatically rise, extend your hand to the nearest unsuspecting colleague, and proceed to sweep them off their feet with your newly acquired tango skills.

Instant holiday party legend status achieved!

4. The Social Butterfly Metamorphosis

If your social life has been as exciting as watching paint dry, tango is about to change that.

The tango community is known for its welcoming atmosphere and post-dance socials.

By starting in September, you'll have a whole new circle of friends by the time New Year's Eve rolls around. Who needs Auld Lang Syne when you've got a room full of tango buddies to celebrate with?

III. Career and Life Enhancement

5. The Job Interview Wildcard

In today's competitive job market, you need every edge you can get. What if, during your next big interview, the hiring manager suddenly declares, "Enough about your qualifications. Show me your best giro with sacadas!" Thanks to your September tango classes, you'll be ready to dazzle them with your fancy footwork.

Who needs a resume when you've got rhythm?

6. The Spouse-Seeking Strategy

Let's face it - dating apps are so 2023. This September, why not try a more traditional approach to finding your soulmate?

Tango classes are like a real-life, choreographed version of speed dating.

You'll be changing partners faster than you can say "ocho cortado," and who knows? Your perfect match might just be a cross-body lead away.

IV. Health and Fitness Benefits

7. The Ultimate Multitasking Workout

Why spend hours at the gym when you can get fit while looking fabulous?

Tango is the ultimate full-body workout in disguise.

You'll tone your legs, strengthen your core, and improve your posture, all while dressed to the nines. It's like doing squats in stilettos, but infinitely more enjoyable.

8. The Stealth Cardio Solution

Hate running? Despise burpees?

Tango is the answer to your cardio prayers.

It's so enjoyable that you won't even realize you're getting a workout. You'll be so focused on not stepping on your partner's toes that you'll forget you're burning calories faster than an Argentine asado.

V. Personal Growth and Skills

9. The Language Learning Loophole

Always wanted to learn Spanish but can't seem to find the time?

Tango is your linguistic loophole!

You'll pick up essential phrases like "¿Bailamos?" (Shall we dance?) and "¡Qué lindo!" (How beautiful!) in no time.

10. The Confidence Catalyst

There's something about mastering the art of tango that oozes confidence.

Maybe it's the close embrace, the sensual movements, or the fact that you can now walk backwards in heels without falling over. Whatever it is,

by starting your tango journey in September, you'll be radiating self-assurance by the time the New Year rolls around.

VI. Practical (and Not-So-Practical) Preparations

11. The Time-Travel Training

Let's be honest - we're all secretly hoping someone will invent a time machine. When that day comes, you'll want to be prepared for any era you might land in. Tango has been around since the late 19th century, making it the perfect dance for temporal tourists.

12. Preparing for the Intergalactic Dance-Off

Now, I know what you're thinking - "But what if I have to go to the Moon soon, and they dance tango there?" First of all, kudos on your space travel plans. Secondly, you're in luck!

Tango's smooth, gliding movements are perfect for low-gravity environments.

VII. Mental Health and Well-being

13. The Stress-Busting Secret Weapon

As the year winds down and stress levels ramp up, tango becomes your secret weapon against anxiety.

The focus required to execute each step leaves no room for worrying about deadlines or family drama.

It's like meditation, but with better music and fancier shoes.

14. The Graceful Aging Insurance

Let's face it - we're not getting any younger. But who says we can't age gracefully?

Tango is like a fountain of youth for your body and mind. It improves balance, coordination, and cognitive function.

VIII. Style and Culture

15. The Fashion Revolution

Tired of your wardrobe full of sweatpants and hoodies?

Tango gives you the perfect excuse to revamp your style.

From sleek dresses to dapper suits, tango attire is all about elegance and flair.

16. The Cultural Immersion Experience

Why settle for binge-watching travel shows when you can immerse yourself in Argentine culture through tango? You'll learn about the history, music, and traditions behind this passionate dance.

IX. Relationships and Personal Life

17. The Relationship Enhancer

Whether you're single or attached, tango has something to offer. For couples, it's a chance to reconnect and spice things up. For singles, it's an opportunity to practice communication and trust with a variety of partners.

18. The Bucket List Checkmark

Let's be honest - "Learn to tango" has been languishing on your bucket list for years, right between "Visit Machu Picchu" and "Learn to juggle flaming torches."

Well, it's time to stop procrastinating and start dancing!

X. Wildcard Reasons

19. The Posture Perfector

In the age of "tech neck" and slouch-inducing work-from-home setups, good posture is becoming as rare as a flip phone.

Enter tango - the dance that'll straighten you out faster than your grandmother's disapproving glare.

20. The Zombie Apocalypse Preparation

Okay, hear me out on this one. In the unlikely event of a zombie apocalypse, tango skills could be your secret weapon.

The quick footwork will help you dodge the undead, the close embrace technique will be perfect for sneaking past zombie hordes, and if all else fails, you can always distract them with a dramatic dance performance.


So there you have it, folks - 20 compelling (and slightly ridiculous) reasons to start learning tango this September. From improving your physical and mental health to preparing for intergalactic dance-offs and zombie apocalypses, tango has something for everyone.

Remember, life is short, and the music is always playing. So why wait?

Slip on those dance shoes, embrace the rhythm, and let the tango transform your life.

Who knows? By this time next year, you could be twirling your way through the streets of Buenos Aires, or at the very least, impressing your cat with your living room performances.

In the words of the great Carlos Gardel,

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do."

So don't let another September pass you by. Take the leap, embrace the passion, and let the tango sweep you off your feet. Your future self (and potential alien dance partners) will thank you!

Ahh, and link - don’t forget the link: REGISTER NOW.
