Barrida versus Arrastre
The Barrida happens when the Leader drags, sweeps, or pushes the Follower's foot. Arrastre is when the Follower's foot is being magically pulled or magnetized by the leader to make it look like she is sweeping him.
So how does the Follower know to leave her foot so you can sweep it? How to let her know? How to lead the sweeping action to your partner and let her sweep you? It’s all in the lead! However - the Follower can also play footsie and propose the arrastre, in which case she is actually doing the barrida to the Leader at her own command. Proposing the movement - that’s the higher level of following. More about that in the class.
Parada equals stop
The answers, as usual, are hidden in connection, lead/follow but also in the secret of PARADA (=stop). The stopping action can be executed at any time, with or without blocking the foot.
In fact, the foot acts more like a visual prop to make it look like a stop sign. Follower needs to know that the stop is happening without seeing your feet!
The important detail of any stop is placement and recognition of the axis. In order to execute the barrida, the foot you are planning to drag has to be free, or about to become free.