Thursday | 10/31| 8pm - 12am-ish | $30


The Chamber of Secrets is about to open at Ultimate Tango. Thursday, October 31st at 8pm all Magical Beings, Fairly Tale Creatures, Witches and Wizards, Vampires, Ghosts as well as Humans are called to participate in the Annual Costume Ball and Costume Tournament at Ultimate Tango Milongween. 

You can come as a human in your normal body, but this evening, you do not have to wear your regular mask. Feel free to reveal who you really are. Your True You is welcome to sign up to participate in the Tournament and win $100 pure cash for the Queen and $100 pure cash for the King of the Ball.

The tournament will be judged by Marry Poppins and Chimney Sweep, who will arrive on the day of the party.

Date: Thursday, October 31st
Milonga: 8pm-12am - ish
Class: 8pm
Tournament:: 10pm (you must arrive by 9:30pm to register)

DJ: Chimney Sweep
Address: 349 Washington St. Malden, MA

Parking: 50 parking spots on site and right next to Oak Grove Station

Admission: $30

The two $100 rewards are being guarded by Gardel himself. Look at his unforgettable smile.

Here is how you can win: Arrive before 9:30pm and register by the door to participate. You can participate alone but you need a partner to dance with. If you don't have one - we will help you find one. You can also participate as a couple if you are both wearing costumes.

At 10 pm sharp, we will invite all participants to the dance floor to present themselves in their full costumes.

You need to be able to state your name (the name of your character) in an audible manner. You may use a translator. Once everyone is introduced, we will form couples to dance three songs: Tango, Milonga, and Vals. Your costume (and you) has to survive the dancing and remain intact. If your wings fall off, you lose your broomstick, your teeth chock you, or your spare blood dirties the floor, you will become disqualified.


Even if you are a Beginner, as long as you can walk to the music and progress with the float of the dance, you can participate. No complicated steps are required though they are allowed. Note though - if you collide with other couple you might get disqualified. It's all based on mercy of Judges.

REMEMBER: If you cannot hold and carry your $100 reward it will be taken away from you and you might need to fight to get it back!


'Witchcraft of Milonga' class at 8 pm with our guests and Judges - Marry Poppins and Chimney Sweep (you can see the potential advantages of taking the class, don’t you?), - immediately followed by scary tunes of TDJ Chimney Sweep. Arrive at any time, but the earlier you come, the more chances you will catch the Tres Leches cake and/or freshly poisoned Malbec served at front desk. (Limited quantities!)


  1. One have to pre-register at the door to participate.

  2. You need to be able to dance in full costume through one full tanda. If your costume have accessories like swards, guns, brooms, magical wands etc they must dance with you.

  3. Your dance partner can be human or magical being, please state clearly in your registration if one of you or both are competing.

  4. You need to be able to make audible sounds from within your costume. We need to at least understand your name. If your language is not commonly understandable you may use a translator to answer on your behalf.

  5. You need to be able to see the dance floor. Any dance collisions will eliminate you from Tournament.

  6. You cannot dress up in your regular lifetime costume. In other words you cannot participate dressed up as yourself, though you can partner someone who is participating.

  7. You have to be able to hold the reward if you win.

Milongweens happened before