Dancing Moms-To-Be: Can You Dance Tango When You Are Pregnant?

Pregnancy is a beautiful and transformative journey filled with anticipation and joy.

Alongside the physical changes, expectant mothers often seek ways to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout their pregnancy. One question that arises is:

Can you dance when you are pregnant?

In this blog post, we will elevate the conversation and learn whether or not pregnant women can dance the tango.

Pregnancy In General

Pregnancy is a natural process where a woman’s body experiences significant physical and physiological changes to support a growing fetus.

A human grows, develops, and experiences life inside the mother’s womb for nine months or less.

Pregnancy has three distinct trimesters.

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most precarious. During this period, the baby’s organs and body systems form. The second trimester is usually the most comfortable period. The baby’s growth accelerates during this period, and the mother may start feeling the baby move. Lastly, the third trimester marks the final stretch of a pregnancy before birth.

The Risks of Pregnancy

Experiences differ from woman to woman and even pregnancy to pregnancy, but doctors recommend that pregnant women take extra care of their bodies during this time. According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) in “What are some common complications of pregnancy?” some common risks include the following:

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a condition that can lead to complications during pregnancy.

Monitoring blood pressure levels and consulting with a healthcare provider is vital to ensure proper management.


Pregnant women are more susceptible to infections, including urinary tract infections, respiratory infections, and sexually transmitted infections. Prompt treatment and preventive measures are necessary to protect the health of both mother and baby.

Depression and Anxiety

Emotional challenges, including depression and anxiety, can accompany pregnancy.

Expectant mothers must seek support and engage in activities promoting mental well-being.

Pregnancy Loss or Miscarriage

Pregnancy loss or miscarriage can be emotionally devastating for expectant parents.

It is crucial to prioritize emotional support and consult with healthcare professionals to understand the underlying causes.

Other potential complications during pregnancy include placental abnormalities, fetal growth restrictions, and abnormalities in the baby’s development. Regular prenatal care and monitoring help identify and manage these risks effectively.

Is It Safe To Dance When Pregnant?

Now that we understand how delicate and fragile pregnancy can be, let us answer the question: is it safe to dance when pregnant? Generally,

engaging in physical activities during pregnancy is safe and beneficial.

Exercise, including dance, can help promote overall well-being, improve mood, and maintain physical fitness.

In “5 Amazing Benefits Of Dancing During Pregnancy” by Rebecca Malachi and medically reviewed by Dr. Uma Mishra, MD, she said:

“If you love to dance, you may want to continue dancing during pregnancy.

It is a great and fun way of exercising, but you may be skeptical about performing various dance forms while pregnant. However,

if you have an uncomplicated pregnancy and aren’t advised any bed rest, you may resume dancing.”

Many expecting mothers can let go of their worries and benefit from dancing while pregnant. Here are the many ways dancing during pregnancy can be a good idea:

Flexibility and Agility

Dancing helps improve the flexibility and agility of pregnant women, which can help them during labor.

Jennifer Stahl in “So You’re Pregnant. Here’s How to Keep Dancing Safely” explained:

“When you’re pregnant, your body releases a hormone called relaxin to loosen up the ligaments in your pelvis so that the birth canal can expand. But relaxing affects you from head to toe.”

Pregnant women have more flexibility and agility than usual.

Dancing movements become easier to execute while the body is relaxed.

At the same time, dancing helps pregnant women maintain the suppleness of their joints and muscles.

Muscle Tone and Core Strength

Dancing, with its rhythmic movements and engagement of various muscle groups, helps maintain muscle tone and core strength during pregnancy. It can be beneficial for supporting the growing belly and maintaining good posture.

Blood Circulation and Pressure

Regular movement and physical activity, such as dancing, promote healthy blood circulation, which is crucial for the well-being of both mother and baby.

Improved circulation helps deliver essential nutrients and oxygen to the baby while removing waste products.

Dancing can also be an effective way to control blood pressure during pregnancy.

The rhythmic movements and cardiovascular benefits of dance contribute to better blood pressure management, reducing the risk of hypertension-related complications.

Balance and Coordination

Pregnancy alters the body’s center of gravity, affecting balance and coordination. Jennifer Stahl added:

“When a human is growing inside of you, your center of balance inevitably gets thrown off.”

Fortunately, dancing helps improve balancing skills and coordination.

When dancing, pregnant women must focus more on their movements to stay balanced and coordinated. As a result, they are more aware of their body and can move with greater confidence.

Energy Increase, and Stress and Tension Release

Pregnancy can often leave expectant mothers feeling fatigued, low on energy, and emotionally and physically distressed.

Engaging in dance releases endorphins, boosts energy levels, and provides a natural mood lift.

Dancing acts as a form of stress relief, helping release tension and improve mood through movement, music, and social interaction.

Reduced Risk of Troubled Delivery

Staying active during pregnancy, including engaging in dance, has been associated with a reduced risk of complicated deliveries, such as cesarean sections or instrumental deliveries. It can also contribute to faster postpartum recovery.

Can You Dance Tango When Pregnant?

Let’s take the conversation up a notch and ask, can you dance the tango while pregnant? With its graceful movements, intricate footwork, and passionate expression, tango is a captivating dance form.

While it may seem challenging to continue dancing tango during pregnancy, many women have done so safely and enjoyed its benefits!

Tango can teach pregnant women many valuable lessons about their body and mind. Maral Kojayan, in “Creation of life: Tango & Pregnancy,” talked about how tango affects pregnant women and couples.

Enormous Physical, Social, and Relationship Benefits


tango encourages a deeper connection between the partners, fostering communication, trust, and intimacy.

As Maral Kojayan said:

“I think the general sentiment from the ladies was that dancing Tango whilst pregnant was a great experience; They felt super sensitive, they really appreciated being embraced and as the aforementioned lovely Linda voluntarily wrote to me to share her experience, I can say with certainty that she feels enormous physical, social and relationship benefits from continuing to dance tango during her pregnancy.”

The Magic of Life-Creation

Tango, known for its passionate and expressive nature, can take on a new meaning when danced by expectant mothers.

The movements can become a celebration of the life growing within, allowing the mother to connect with her body and the unborn baby profoundly.

Maral Kojayan added:

“The power of having an expectant couple in the room is impressive, I like to think it’s the combination of the awe one feels for the magic of life-creation taking place in front of ones eyes, combined with a change in perception that a pregnant woman inspires in others; drawing out the caring, loving aspects of the people she interacts with. I think it reminds us, perhaps on a subconscious level, of the power of togetherness, the intelligence of the body (human and all creatures) to create and heal itself and the importance of creating an environment good for the growth and well-being of that little one and of us all.”

In Harmony With Your Body


tango is a dance that requires sensitivity to one’s body and movements.

Our bodies have 50 to 100 trillion cells, and dancing means having all those cells move together in harmony. It can be a unique experience for pregnant women as their body takes on a new form and changes daily. This awareness of the body fosters a deeper connection with the pregnancy journey.

A Tango Dancer as a Mom-To-Be

Numerous tango dancers have continued dancing during their pregnancies, adapting their movements and embracing physical changes.

In “Pregnancy and dance – Tango” by María Buenos Aires,” Petya Dimitrova shared her experience. When asked if she used tango to alleviate the pain during birth, she answered:

“Yes, as a matter of fact.

We danced in the hospital ward between contractions… The movement of the pelvis helps labour progress faster and less painfully.

Focusing on the rhythm also helps you control your breathing better.

Generally, my OB was really happy that I had not stopped dancing for most of my pregnancy and she believed that it helped me have a healthy pregnancy and that it was the reason the baby engaged perfectly early on, allowing for an easy natural birth.”

Petya Dimitrova also expressed that dancing as a leader with a pregnant follower and as a pregnant follower is uncomfortable. The growing belly changes the embrace, which also changes the way you feel about your partners. Moreover, pregnant followers are heavier than usual, responding a little slower to the lead.

Leaders also need help thinking about safety, leading to a different level of awareness and responsibility.

Still, Petya Dimitrova said:

“I would love to get him used to seeing mommy and daddy dancing and I hope that this tango experience, even if he never tries dancing himself, will teach him a few things about love – that it means an embrace, mutual respect, to be truly together until you can no longer tell who is the leader and who is the follower, you are simply one.”

Tango is undeniably a dance that teaches an individual many invaluable lessons about life and relationships. As said by Petya Dimitrova,

dancing tango while pregnant is a unique experience, making it an ideal way to appreciate the beauty of pregnancy.

As a leader or follower, tango can bring joy and relief to the nine-month journey. It will also stay with you even on your one!

Dancing the Tango Safely When Pregnant

It is safe to dance, particularly tango, during pregnancy. However, you cannot do just anything or at any intensity.

Consult a healthcare provider before starting or continuing tango or any exercise routine during pregnancy. When given the green light, follow the following tips:

Find the Right Trainer

Working with a dance instructor experienced in teaching pregnant women can provide valuable guidance and support. They can help you modify movements, focus on proper technique, and create a dance routine that suits your needs and abilities.

Hydrate and Snack

Staying hydrated is crucial during pregnancy and physical activities like dancing. Carry a water bottle and take regular breaks to replenish fluids. Additionally, have nutritious snacks on hand to maintain energy levels.

Warm Up

Before dancing, warm up your body with gentle stretches and exercises to prepare your muscles and joints for movement. A warm-up routine tailored for pregnancy can help reduce the risk of injuries.

Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to your body’s signals and limitations. If something feels uncomfortable or causes pain, modify or avoid the movement. Each pregnancy is unique, and it’s essential to prioritize your well-being and your baby’s safety.

Take It Slow

Lastly, as your pregnancy progresses, your body’s capabilities may change.

Take things at your own pace, and don’t push yourself beyond what feels comfortable.

As shared by Petya Dimitrova:

“But, more importantly, we had to learn to take it easy, forget about trying to do your best or trying to look good and instead just try to be together and enjoy the moment while it lasts. You know you are not in your best physical shape and that there is absolutely nothing you can do about it, so why even bother trying? It’s all about you and your partner and having fun or having an intimate moment…”

Tango Your Way to Motherhood!

Dancing during pregnancy, including engaging in the mesmerizing art of tango, can be a safe and rewarding experience for expectant mothers.

Dancing tango while pregnant can be a beautiful way to celebrate life, nurture your body, and connect with your unborn baby.

It will not feel the same as usual, but it will absolutely be just as beautiful. So, go on, mom-to-be, and tango your way to motherhood!
